Recent Events

Launch of “Church Life” DVD

On Sunday 11 January those of us in church we able to watch the premier showing of a new DVD about the life of St Mary’s. This DVD was put together by the skill and hard work of Pamela Smith and others from Epsom Moviemakers, a society who have met for many years in our church hall. The DVD includes short films about the history of the church, our Morris men, our services, the Father Willis organ, the church hall, our churchyard, our bells, and more. In my original conversation with Pamela, we talked about a short 5 minute film for the website, but the project has blossomed and tells a wonderful story of just a few parts of what goes on in our church seen through the lens of a few weeks last summer (there is already talk of a second volume drawing things in from other times in the year!). I am so grateful to the whole team who worked on the DVD for the enormous amount of work they have put in which has captured St Mary’s so well. It was good to see such a full church to watch the highlights projected on screen, and the first run of DVDs sold out immediately– but more are being produced. Total running time of all the films together is two hours, and the DVD can be bought for £10– please leave your name with the Parish office if you would like to buy a DVD (or Blu-ray disc for high definition). (The initial run was sold out on launch day so we are currently waiting for a new batch to be produced.)

Clips from the films on the DVD are gradually being put up on the website. So far we have posted short films about: Church history


