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St.Mary The Virgin Ewell Parish Church

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 The village is located one and a half miles north east of the town of Epsom famous, of course, for the Derby and Oaks horse races. Apart from the famed spring, Ewell is well known for being the setting of William Holman Hunt, the famous Victorian artist and founder of the Pre-Raphaelite art movement's painting, The Light of the World; a print of which hangs in the church. The door was that to an abandoned hut once used by workers at the Worcester Park gunpowder mills situated by the side of the Hogsmill stream.   Light of the World
By kind permission of the Warden and Fellows of Keble College, Oxford. ? Keble College, Oxford. This image may not be reproduced without written permission of the Warden and Fellows of Keble College. 

OpheliaThe stream was also the setting for Millais' equally famous painting Ophelia. Both pictures were painted around 1851.

St Marys in 1847Earlier, in 1847, Hunt had painted the old church for the Rector, The Revd. Sir George Glyn, Bart.

Much more recently, in November 2005, the church has become the proud possessors of a fabulous set of 18 Stations of the Cross by Iain McKillop, a regular worshipper. These adorn the front of the gallery but can be taken down for devotional purposes. We are so grateful to Iain and for his talent.