Mission Action Plan 2023 – 2025
St Mary’s Ewell has recently spent a considerable amount of time and effort renewing our Church Development Plan (CDP). We have called this our Mission Action Plan (MAP).
The name describes exactly what we have been developing.
It is a PLANNED process for the on-going MISSION of our Church, that demands that we, as a congregation, take ACTION to make the goals set out in the Plan a reality!
St Martin in the Fields have developed a method of thinking about ministry and mission based on 4 categories called the 4 C’s. The 4 C’s in brief are:
- Congregational – what we do in Church.
- Commerce – how we financially support ourselves and others.
- Culture – what we add to the culture of our parish.
- Compassion – how we support those in need.
If you would like to know more about the 4 C’s you might want to read ‘A Future that’s bigger than the Past’ by Sam Wells.
This document sets out our plans for the next 2- 3 years, however as a Church rooted in prayer, we are always open to the Holy Spirit intervening and leading us in new and exciting ways.
GOALS 1. Support charities near and far. – Considering developing lasting link with one/ a few, specific charity 2. Share money raised from fundraising events between Church and other charities 3. Develop and grow a pastoral care team with greater visibility in the Church and parish. 4. Develop and promote the Bereavement café. 5. Explore and develop specific prayer ministry for Sunday service (training). |
RESTRICTIONS 1. Leadership – finding the right people (priorities 2,3,4) 2. Affirmation needed that everyone has a gift, People don’t appreciate their own gifts 3. Finding appropriate training at appropriate times in diocesan calendar -weekend options 4. Finding time to devote to this when so much time is spent simply ‘running’ the Church 5. Economic downturn and change in people’s personal finances. |
OPTIONS 1. Exploration of congregation skills/ ability (Skills Audit) 2. Develop spirituality of congregation and understanding of charity as Kingdom issue. 3. Set up Charity Group, to identify charities to partner with. 4. Hold Gift Days. 5. Share money raised from fundraising activities between Church and other charities. |
WHAT WE PLAN TO DO? 1. Explore advantages/disadvantages of supporting a single charity or many charities. 2. Explore which charities to support. Consider the difference between giving to or seek to work in partnership with charities we support. 3. Offer/deliver prayer cards to every house in parish. 4. Christmas Fair for charity. 5. Foster wider understanding of ‘support’- (sermon/guest speakers). 6. Encourage/grow prayer/pastoral/bereavement ministry. 7. Promote prayer and pastoral care through online presence including the website. 8. Develop our Eco/Sustainability footprint. |
ALREADY BEGUN Shoe Box, Lent, Childrens’ Society appeals, ACTS 435, Distribution of prayer cards, Guest speakers. |
GOALS 1. Grow congregation in numbers and discipleship 2. Develop new expressions of Church i.e. ‘Messy Church Goes Wild’ – 1st Saturday of month 2.00pm till 4.30pm. 3.Greater opportunity for congregation to sing more during the service, for example singing congregational Mass settings. (Choral concerts), 4. Consider how the welcome/children’s area at the back of the Church can be better utilised. 5. Greater time for quiet reflection in Sunday worship 6. Guest services – Songs of Praise type service/Valentine’s Day/All Souls 7. Explore study groups. |
RESTRICTIONS 1. Finances to develop Church building. 2. Volunteers – people to staff additional services. 3. Fear of/reluctance to change. |
OPTIONS 1. Wider range of worship experiences 2. Additional services on Sunday evenings (6) 3. Explore new hymn books, dispose of out of use hymn books and small prayer books (faculty) 4. Identify ‘welcomers’ through skills audit and provide training |
WHAT WE PLAN TO DO? 1. Make worship more accessible (Communion settings congregation can join in singing 2nd/3rd/5th Sundays). 2. Develop fresh expressions – JAM, Messy Church &??. 3. Promote choral services such as Matins, Evensong. 4. Study groups to enable deepening of faith and encourage vocation and discipleship. 5. Purchase new hymn books |
ALREADY BEGUN Quiet reflection time in Sunday worship Pattern of congregational Mass setting on 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays |
GOALS 1. Look at awareness of parish-giving scheme and other ways of supporting Church. 2. Sponsoring events, activities, building projects, utilities. 3. Giving campaign (maybe include whole village?) 5. Friends of St Mary’s. |
RESTRICTIONS 1. The Parish Share is so large. 2. Parish Giving Scheme can be confusing online. 3. Parking restrictions in Ewell. 4. General economic downturn. 5. Ageing congregation/ limited resources. 6. Building = cost centre rather than revenue generator. |
OPTIONS 1. Work out whether we are overspending or under giving -carry out financial audit 2. More community activities such as singalongs, guest services. 3. Invite the wider parish to join a regular giving scheme as part of stewardship campaign for Church, awareness campaign for parish. 4. Explore ‘Friends of St Mary’s |
WHAT WE PLAN TO DO? 1. Set up ‘Funding Group’/think tank. 2. Financial audit. 3. Promote Parish Giving Scheme and see how we can improve awareness and accessibility of scheme to congregation. 4. Financial awareness campaign for Church members and wider parish. 5. Stewardship campaign – to include legacies and occasional offices. 6. Set up ‘Friends of St Mary’s’. |
ALREADY BEGUN Fundraising events Card readers purchased and set up Talking about stewardship |
GOALS 1. Improve website and the way in which this portrays and represents the life of St Mary’s. 2. Community activities such as Ewell Village Fair, Jubilee, Coronation celebrations. 3. More social activity. 4. Sustain current programme and concerts and diversify offering. 5. Guest speakers in Church. |
RESTRICTIONS 1. Website 2. Lack of skills 3. Lack of volunteers 4. Lack of car parking in Ewell 5. Misconception that the building is not suitable for events 6. Competitive market with alternative venues 7. Public perception of what the building should be used for 8. Promoting the Church and Church events/activities |
OPTIONS 1. Set up web development group 2. Explore use as venue for music exams, exhibitions, concerts. 3. Explore use as venue for other groups |
WHAT WE PLAN TO DO? 1. Develop the website to promote the Church – Advertising/ communication. 2. Foster links with the wider arts community. 3. Promote the Church as a venue within the arts community. 4. Aim to hold an activity each month. 5. Continue/expand civic activities. 6. Joint activities between Ewell Village and Church. 7. Further develop links between the Church and local schools and uniformed organisations. 8. Maintain and develop existing programme of concerts and lunchtime recitals. 9. To actively support the development of young musicians and grow the choir and singers |
ALREADY BEGUN Contact with local charities/groups for guest speakers, Good programme of concerts and events, Good social life, Good links with uniforms and local schools |