Social Events

Our Social Committee organizes several social events in the course of the year, as an opportunity for us all to get to know one another better. Visitors and newcomers to the parish are very warmly invited to all our social events- we look forward to seeing you at one soon. Watch out for the events being advertised on the website, in Ewell Parish News and in the Weekly Notes.

Parish Suppers

A couple of times a year we organize a parish supper in the church hall: this is a full, three-course dinner with entertainment. These events are always very popular and tickets sell out quickly!

Board Game Afternoons

We hold occasional board game afternoons in the church hall. As well as familiar games like Scrabble and chequers, there is always a good selection of simple and quick-playing European board games, like Carcassonne.

Other events

We also organize other kinds of social events, such as garden parties, picnics, and refreshments after special services. The pictures shown below are of refreshments served in church after a “Valentine’s Mattins” service, when couples married at St Mary’s were invited back in February to celebrate; a Garden Party in the Vicarage Garden and a concert “Jazz on the Lawn”, also held in the Vicarage Garden.