
2 Feb – Quiet Day “Christ our Light”

‘Christ our Light’ is the theme of our Quiet Day on Sat 2nd  February. The day is being led by the Rev’d Yvonne Murphy, a friend of Sue Ayling, our Assistant Priest. You will be very welcome to come for all or part of the time.  The day will start at 10am with worship and during the morning there will be a couple of meditations, in which Yvonne will include poetry, prose and music, arranged around a Bible reading.  After lunch there will be another meditation.  The day will draw to a close with a service of Holy Communion at 3.30pm.  Throughout the day there will be a choice of silent activities inside the church and beyond. Tea and coffee will be available.  The full timetable is available here. If you have any questions, please contact Sue on 020 8337 6347.