
Adult Confirmation Groups starting in January

Are you interested in finding out more about the Christian faith? The Vicar will be starting one or two informal groups in the New Year, especially for those adults considering confirmation in the Church of England– all are welcome even if you aren’t sure you want to be confirmed. No previous knowledge assumed, open to all– it’s a chance to ask all those questions you’ve been wondering about for years! Contact our Vicar through this website or by phone on 0208 393 1297 to find out more. If there is enough demand we will run a daytime and an evening group. We hope to put on some children’s activities simultaneously, if that would help people who have childcare responsibilities during the day.

All kinds of people get confirmed through St Mary’s– mums who come to a toddler group, dads who come to a baptism service, couples preparing for their wedding, people who have attended church on and off all their lives, and those who have never been church regulars but think they want to find out more. You will be very welcome!