
Epsom and Ewell’s New Mayor

 We are delighted that our Mayor for this coming year is Humphrey Reynolds, joined by Gill, his wife as Lady Mayoress. Our Vicar, Revd Russell Dewhurst, will continue to serve as Mayor’s Chaplain.

Humphrey and Gill have been members of St Mary’s Church for a number of years. and Humphrey has served this Borough both as a Local Councillor and School Governor, reflecting his passion for the wellbeing of everyone.

It is unfortunate that due to the current restrictions, which are so necessary at this time, Humphrey’s official inauguration as Mayor on Thursday 14th May will take place online rather than in the usual way, but nevertheless Humphrey and Gill know that they have the support of all of us as he takes up his new position in the service of our community.

Despite not being able to visit people and organisations in person as he would wish, the needs of everyone in the Borough are very dear to Humphrey’s heart, especially those in particular need at this time, and he will be working in every way possible to ensure the continued smooth running of local services, with special emphasis on his own Mayor’s Charities for this year, Age Concern Epsom & Ewell, Love Me Love My Mind and The Epsom and Ewell Community Fund.

As we all wish Humphrey and Gill every blessing in their new role, we take this opportunity to thank all members of our Local Council, the emergency and essential services, and everyone who is continuing to give unstinting service on our behalf at this difficult time.

We pray in faith and hope for Humphrey and Gill and for everyone in the Borough of Epsom and Ewell.

Almighty God,

we ask your blessing on Humphrey and Gill

as they take up the office of Mayor and Mayoress of Epsom and Ewell.

We give thanks for their dedication to the work of this Borough

to enable all who live and work here to live in peace and prosperity.

Guide, inspire and strengthen them and all who serve us as local councillors,

officers of the various civic services, members of the emergency services

and all working in the NHS in our local hospitals, care homes,

surgeries and pharmacies, and those who are ensuring we are fed.

We pray especially at this time for all now suffering from Covid-19,

for those who are struggling with mental issues, the lonely and afraid

and all who are bereaved.

May they know your love surrounding them, your presence ever with them

and your peace in their hearts.

And uplift us all at this time,

give us the courage to overcome, safe in the knowledge

that there is nothing that can separate us from your love.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,

who overcame the darkness of death and rose again for us.
