Recent Events

Sound System Presentation

On Wednesday 20 February, a presentation was given at St Mary’s to explain more to interested parties about our proposal for a new sound system. The two members of St Mary’s congregation leading the project, Ian Burgess and Tim Price, explain the need for a new sound system and what was being proposed. The Vicar, the Revd Russell Dewhurst, emphasized his support of the project, and the spiritual importance of a first-rate sound system. After questions, there was time for refreshments and discussion. Some regular members of St Mary’s congregation who were present re-iterated their support for the project saying that, despite recent improvements, they still often found it hard to hear what was being said in church.

To find out more visit our sound system appeal page.

Tim Price, Ian Burgess, and Russell Dewhurst spoke at the presentation.
Tim Price, Ian Burgess, and Russell Dewhurst spoke at the presentation.
feb20 13 04
Refreshments were served in the welcome area when the presentation was concluded.