• News

    Updated privacy policies

    Our data privacy policies have been updated to reflect the increased variety of online activities carried out by the church during the present Pandemic. The updated polices can be read here.

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    The festival of the birth of John the Baptist

    The festival of the birth of John the Baptist is 24 June Very few people are mentioned in the Bible before they are born – John the Baptist is one of them. Today is the festival of his birth and one thing we remember is that before he was born, John leapt in the womb of his mother Elizabeth on the joyful encounter between her and the Blessed Virgin Mary when the cousins were both pregnant – Mary with Jesus. Luke tells us that ‘the child grew and became strong in spirit.’ (Luke 1.80) All four gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John include the words from the prophet Isaiah about the messenger who will be…

  • News

    A message from Bishop Jo from the Diocese of Guildford

    All lives matter. Of course they do, most obviously because our Creator God has intended, invested and takes interest in each and every one of us. But just at the moment it is vital that we acknowledge how Black Lives Matter – in our words, deeds and imagining. This is not knee-jerk, even though awareness is provoked by recent events that are unequivocally (even or especially if unconsciously) racist. The problem is not confined to particular incidents: if it were it would be much easier to address. The problems are deep-seated: buried in egregious problems of history which continue to shape attitudes in the present and the future. That’s why…

  • News

    Beating the Bounds 2020

    Sadly we are unable to do the ancient tradition of Beating the Bounds this year, but if you would like to do the walk then you can find the map and a fun quiz below. Beating the Bounds Map Beating the Bounds Family Fun Quiz

  • News,  Thought for the Day

    Ascension Day (Luke 24.44-53)

    Ascension Day falls on Thursday 21st May, and marks the ending of the 40 days following Easter, when the Church joyfully celebrates Christ’s resurrection from the dead.   The biblical accounts tell of the way the risen Lord revealed himself to his disciples, an experience which changed them from being terrified and demoralised by the horror of Calvary, to being filled with joy and hope.   After the Ascension they will no longer see Jesus, but will await the promised Holy Spirit, who will equip them to share the love, joy, forgiveness and peace of Christ with all people. On Good Friday we read that the final words of Jesus…

  • News

    Epsom and Ewell’s New Mayor

     We are delighted that our Mayor for this coming year is Humphrey Reynolds, joined by Gill, his wife as Lady Mayoress. Our Vicar, Revd Russell Dewhurst, will continue to serve as Mayor’s Chaplain. Humphrey and Gill have been members of St Mary’s Church for a number of years. and Humphrey has served this Borough both as a Local Councillor and School Governor, reflecting his passion for the wellbeing of everyone. It is unfortunate that due to the current restrictions, which are so necessary at this time, Humphrey’s official inauguration as Mayor on Thursday 14th May will take place online rather than in the usual way, but nevertheless Humphrey and Gill know that they have the support of…